settling into the studio again after a spell of other work, a nasty cold, and holiday recovery.. there are a couple new things in the shop.. one is the Maude fancy ^
a progress shot of the Ringmaster coat, one of the many pieces I’m working on for the Vespertine Circus
also new in the shop, the Rowan collar.. a lovely concoction of fur & velvet.
this month is looking a bit crazy.. in addition to the circus costumes, I’m working on 2 weddings, a collaborative installation with one of my favorite artists Art Moura
and making music and environment for a magikal Imbolc show here in Oakland.
hoping I can find some time for yoga and sleep in there somewhere..
one of the leotards I’m stitching away on, also for the circus..
these will be on some amazing aerialists.. I can’t wait to see them in action!
studio landscape.. photo is by the amazing Ellen Rogers
more new work is on the way to the shop in the next weeks~ & I’m going to try and keep
updating here as a little break from all the sewing.. wish me luck :)