what a strange & busy time it’s been..
many folks have been asking when there will be new things in the shop.
the answer is.. soon!
i am in a bit of an interim, finishing up a batch of custom orders & the new website.
^ a trio of fancies that flew away before they made it to the internet..
just started a custom wedding dress.. using some pieces from a waistcoat the bride’s grandmother wore at her own wedding.
i love stitching family histories together :)
i’ve been spending some time in the forest & on my friend’s farm this last month,
it’s really helped my spirit. being in the trees always feels healing.
they seem to dissolve much of the clamor picked up in the city.
some new crystal friends
these days my stitches are powered by beautiful (& delicious) living foods~
directing a lot of time & energy towards taking health in hand right now..
it feels really good.
about to start on a new line of simple dresses, for my friend’s shop..
more pictures & news coming soon